Sometimes there is a need to sell your home quickly and you might wonder what options you have. You can try several strategies to help you sell quickly. However, your best option would be to sell to a professional home buying company.
What Is It?
A professional home buying company is a company that frequently buys homes for cash. This means they will purchase a home without a mortgage or other type of loan, and they will pay the full amount upfront. These companies will buy the homes, renovate them, and then sell them for a profit. Working with a home buying company is worthwhile for many reasons. They are experienced in the market and will make sure to give you a fair offer and you won’t need to worry about them backing out of the deal. One of the biggest reasons to sell to a home buyer is because it is such a fast process.
How Fast is It?
Your first step will be finding a buyer and then negotiating the price. Once you settle on the price, the process will be over fairly quickly. After the price is settled on, the next step is securing and transferring the title of the property. This will take at most a few days. The process from here will vary from sale to sale. With a cash sale, certain requirements won’t need to be met. This includes having an inspection or an appraisal done. The decision to have these done will depend on whether or not the buyer requests them. This will take about a week to complete. Lastly, you and the buyer will sign the closing papers. All in all, the process to sell to a home buyer will take no more than 30 days, or even as little as 7 days.
Why So Much Faster?
The reason these sales are so fast is that there are many processes that aren’t required. As mentioned, this includes having an appraisal or home inspection done. These can take time and without them, the sale goes much faster. The biggest reason it is faster is that you don’t need to get a lender involved. With a lender, you need to get a loan approved and it can take quite some time.
Overall, selling your home to a home buying company can benefit you greatly. You can quickly sell your property and face fewer complications. With all the hassle removed from the home selling process, you will be able to move on to bigger and better things without worrying about an unwanted property.
Looking to sell your home in fewer than 30 days? Click here to discover how Joe Homebuyer can help you get rid of your Abilene, TX home fast!